The deposition is the most important pre-trial procedure in accident cases. Thus, it is critical that the client is well prepared for the extensive and rigorous questioning they are likely to undergo by defense counsel. We recommend strongly that you prepare the client for their deposition the day before, although…
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Surveillance Videos In New York Injury Cases–How To Prepare Your Clients
In New York personal injury cases, the videotape is a frequently used tool of defense lawyers, and can be very damaging at trial if the video contradicts the client’s deposition testimony concerning their physical limitations as the result of an accident. In order to properly prepare clients for the likelihood…
Insurance Medical Examinations After Your Accident–Adding Insult to Injury
When clients are injured in various types of accidents in New York, including motor vehicle, slip/trip and falls, and other accidents due to unsafe conditions, they are invariably required to attend examinations known in the legal community as “IME’S.” Simply put, defense attorneys and insurance companies retain doctors who are…
New York Auto insurance carriers–Are You “In Good Hands?”
Several insurance companies, and in particular, Allstate Insurance Company (“The Good Hands People”) and State Farm Insurance Company (“The Good Neighbors”) use a computer system known as “Colossus” to evaluate their personal injury claims. If Colossus decides that your case has little or no merit, no claims adjuster with the…